Autum & Jonah
Autum & Jonah

Well, Whadd'ya Know! We're Getting Married!

Autum Bach
Jonah Hornseth

June 10th 2023
Ft. Lauderdale Florida
321 Days Ago

It all started one day in high school when Jonah bullied Autum. No, really! She was standing by her locker and he decided to push her books down. He claims it was because he confused her with a friend, but Autum isn't sold on that story. 

Fast forward four months and they were assigned seats next to each other in second semester study hall. It took Autum a couple days to work up the courage to confront Jonah about the books. Once she did though, she realized he was actually a really nice guy. 

After a few months of making jokes in study hall and texting every day, the two became inseperable. Fast forward several years, and now they're here- planning a wedding and anxiously waiting to be able to celebrate with everyone!