Alyson & Nicholas
Alyson & Nicholas

We're getting married!

Alyson Woo
Nicholas Haleen

September 16th 2023
Pacific Ocean On A Boat
543 Days Ago

How did we meet?

In 2015 Alyson took a personal growth program (C2G), graduating in 2016.  Then once upon a time, not long ago, through a long line of her friends and friends of friends also going through the program, eventually leading to Nick going through the same program in 2021.

The first night Alyson met Nick at a C2G event, she thought he was good looking, especially in his suit.  At one point, he rubbed her shoulders, and she thought, "I'm going to keep him somehow."  Months later, we were teamed up while taking another course through the program, and Alyson kept noticing Nick staring at her, but neither of them said much to each other.  Unbeknownst to Alyson, Nick didn’t talk much to anyone.  Other people noticed Nick staring at Alyson too and asked her if he was her new boyfriend.  A week after the course ended, at another C2G event, Alyson noticed Nick was still staring at her.  Thinking this was somewhat strange behavior because he wasn’t noticeably staring at anyone else, she boldly messaged him on Facebook Messenger to ask why he was staring.

We finally started talking, and we haven’t stopped talking since.  Nick said he was apparently saving all of his words for Alyson.  The next weekend was Nick’s birthday party, and we’ve been inseparable ever since.

Where was our first date?

At the beach!  We drove to Bodega Bay and stopped at Harbor View Gifts where Nick bought Alyson her first ring for $2.99.  It was a manifestation packet with an adjustable ring that said, “manifesting someone to put a ring on it,” which Alyson kept on her nightstand.  We also ended up at Portuguese Beach where we took pictures and enjoyed each other’s company.

Who proposed and where?

Nick proposed at Portuguese Beach on the last day of the Lunar Year of the Tiger because Alyson kept posting FB quiz results saying she was going to get engaged by the end of the year.  The ring didn’t come in time for the normal year, so Nick had to propose later.  Even though Alyson knew a proposal was coming because Nick was acting weird, she didn’t know when.

Nick told Alyson we needed to take new pictures and set up his camera stand.  We were taking goofy pictures, until he said they weren’t good and set up the camera again.  This time, when Alyson looked over at Nick, he was down on one knee.  The pictures posted on here are from the actual proposal and her real reactions.

Alyson was too excited to notice Nick proposed with the box upside down, with the fake ring inside.  He didn’t want the real ring to fall out of the box, but he also wanted to know how many times he could get away with a fake proposal.  Alyson told him he got one shot, although she probably would have said yes anyway.  The real ring was kept safe in his pocket inside of the manifestation packet.

Why are we getting married?

Because if Alyson gets a ring, then Nick gets a ring.  And because, “mine.”  (Nick’s words)

Who plans more elaborate date nights?

Neither of us.  When we first started dating, we decided to do 1 year of travels, mostly to the beach, because that is Alyson’s happy place.  Our goal was to get out of town at least once per month, to try new things and experience life together.  We decided on 4 categories: some place neither of us have been, some place we have been but not together, some place Alyson has been but Nick has not, and some place Nick has been but Alyson has not.  Although, we’ve been to Bodega Bay a few times now, so I guess we should add some place we have been together to the list.

April 30, 2022 – Portuguese Beach in Bodega Bay

May 26, 2022 – Pinecrest Theater to see Top Gun: Maverick

May 28, 2022 – Sonoma Raceway (track day) and Bodega Bay

June 26, 2022 – Lake Berryessa

July 1-4, 2022 – Nick’s family’s cabin

August 13-22, 2022 – Gualala

September 25, 2022 – Apple Hill

October 23, 2022 – Dixon Corn Maze

November 27, 2022 – Nick’s family’s cabin

December 17, 2022 – We stayed in the Sacramento area and drove around to look at Christmas lights

January 21, 2023 – Portuguese Beach in Bodega Bay – We got engaged!

February 18, 2023 – Oakland Coliseum for race 2 of Supercross

March 28, 2023 – Date night at home.  We couldn’t go anywhere because Alyson had COVID

April 15, 2023 – Goat Rock State Beach in Jenner

May 6, 2023 – Sonoma State Beach in Bodega Bay

May 29, 2023 – Goat Rock State Beach in Jenner

For our 1-year anniversary, Alyson also bought the Adventure Challenge series for us to keep date nights interesting more locally.

Who wakes up first?

It depends.  Nick wakes up earlier for work, but Alyson wakes up earlier on weekends because she wakes up near the same time every day.  Nick has learned to sleep in, and Alyson has learned to wake up early, although she is not functional that early.

Who stays up later?

Almost always Alyson unless Nick is doing homework.  Nick usually has to tell Alyson to go to bed when she’s working on something because she will stay up all night or fall asleep on the couch.

Who’s more likely to max out their credit card?


Who’s more likely to save all their money?

Also Alyson because she spends all of Nick’s money instead.  He sent her the song “Where My Money Goes” by Firekid and CHIKA.

Who would last longer on a deserted island?

Definitely Nick.  Alyson’s idea of “camping” is staying in a 3 star hotel.  Although her first work trip seemed like camping because the toilet and sink in her hotel room flooded when she wasn't there.

Who is more likely to fall asleep in front of the TV?

NICK!  Put on a race, and it’s like bedtime stories for him.  Although we both fall asleep pretty quick if we’re laying on the couch while watching TV.  We started watching the Marvel series in chronological order, and sometimes it takes 3 days just to get through 1 movie.

Who’s needier when they’re sick?

Alyson.  According to Nick, she’s needy when she’s not sick too.

Who has a bigger wardrobe?

Alyson because she refuses to get rid of old clothes.

Who’s more likely to lose their keys or wallet?

Nick because he leaves his wallet at home a lot.  However, in getting her passport renewed, Alyson accidentally mailed her driver's license to Texas.