Sandi & Richard
Sandi & Richard

We're getting married!!

Sandi Courcier
Richard Davis

August 26th 2023
Juneau Alaska
564 Days Ago

Richard Victor Davis, lovingly known as Ric, was born May 4, 1976 in Santa Rosa but was raised in Lakeport, California.  He went to highschool at Clear Lake High, did well in school, and loved playing baseball. Upon graduation, he started learning how to be a mechanic and flourished and excelled in the trade for many years.  In 2014, he bought the auto shop he worked at and called it Davis Tire and Auto Center.  He successfully owns and operates this popular business to this day.

Sandi Anna Courcier was born August 1, 1976 in Kauai, Hawai'i but was raised in California.  Although she moved around a lot with her family, they eventually settled down in Lake County, California.  She went to highschool at Kelseyville High, did well in school, and loved science.  She moved to Chico where she worked and went to college and learned to love the outdoors.  She moved back to Lake County in 2008 to start her career at Lake County Vector Control.   

Although Ric and Sandi both grew up in Lake County, went to neighboring highschools, and graduated the same year (1994), they somehow never crossed paths.  It wasn't until many, many years later that they met, became friends, and developed a relationship...

Now we are inseperable.  We love spending time with the family, our dog Henna, and travelling around the country.  We have visited Cincinnati, Seattle, Redondo Beach, San Francisco, Arcata, Shelter Cove, Sacramento and many other wonderful places.  Our great love of adventure is what led us to choose Juneau, Alaska as our wedding destination, and we welcome anyone who loves to explore.

Our love has grown into something strong and dependable, and we want to spend the rest of our lives together.  Thank you for being a part of our great adventure!  We look forward to hearing from you.