Anna Marie & Todd
Anna Marie & Todd

We're getting married!

Anna Marie Vagnozzi
Todd Morra

June 18th 2022
Roan Mountain Tennessee
858 Days Ago

It is hard for us to believe how far we have come as a couple. We met in the mathematics graduate program at Clemson University in the Fall of 2017 when Todd saw this cute girl asking for help with her matrix analysis homework. Todd first met Anna Marie’s parents, Sam and Cheryl, at a Passover celebration in the Spring of 2018… a time during which Anna Marie was convinced we weren’t actually dating. Our relationship became “official” on our trip that summer up to Cedar Point in Ohio, and it was on this trip that she first met Todd's mother, Kim, and his father and stepmother, Mark and Lea.

Since then, there have been wine tastings, many miles of hiking, one cruise, countless hours of board games, a few jazz concerts, romantic meals at home, family visits to both Kings Mountain, North Carolina and all around Southern Michigan, and a lot of math and laughter with our friends from graduate school.

As Todd completes his Ph.D. at Clemson, we are looking to relocate to the Madison, Wisconsin area! We will both begin positions at Epic Systems in September 2022, with Todd taking the role of Technical Solutions Engineer and Anna Marie taking the job of Technical Trainer. We are excited to move to cooler climates, take on new jobs, and settle into a new home as we begin this next chapter in our lives together... and we're equally as excited to have you celebrating the start of this new chapter with us!